Dilbert’s Boss knows some SAP Terms, Do you ?

Dilbert on SAP Tables

Funny, right !!

So Dilbert’s boss knows some Data Data-Dictionary terms. Like Dilbert guessed he might have learnt them from some trade magazine. This is why half baked knowledge can be dangerous.

Just for your benefit though here is my quick list of the important SAP Data Dictionary Terms.

ABAP Dictionary:

You use the ABAP Dictionary to create and manage data definitions (metadata). Accessed via Transaction code SE11.


Important objects of the ABAP Dictionary are


Tables are defined in the ABAP Dictionary independently of the database. When you activate a table definition a corresponding table with the same structure is created in the underlying database.


A view is a grouping of columns from one or more database tables connected with a logical join. The columns of a view make a flat structure that can be used as a data type. In Open SQL, a view can usually be used as a database table. An exception to this are the special maintenance views and help views


User-defined data types can be stored for all programs in the ABAP Dictionary. These types can be used in ABAP Programs also. The following three types are available.

Data Elements:

You use data elements to define the type of a table field, structure component or the row type of a table type. A data element can also be referenced in ABAP programs with TYPE. As a result, you can define variables in an an ABAP program that take on the attributes of a data element. A data element can be used to describe either an elementary type or a reference type.


You use a structure (structured type) to comprise components (fields). A component can refer to an elementary type (via a data element or by directly specifying the data type and length in the structure definition), another structure or a table type. A structure can be nested to any depth.

Table Types:

You use a table type to describe the structure and functional attributes of an internal table in ABAP. In ABAP programs you can reference a table type TTYP defined in the ABAP Dictionary with the command DATA <inttab> TYPE TTYP. You create an internal table <inttab> in the program with the attributes defined for TTYP in the ABAP Dictionary.


A domain defines a value range. A domain is assigned to a data element. All table fields or structure components that use this data element have the value range defined by the domain. The relationship between the field or component and the domain is defined by the data element of the field or component.

Pre-defined Dictionary Data types:

SAP provides a list of Pre-defined data types which can be used to define a domain. If an ABAP Dictionary object (data element, structure, table type, table, or view) is used in an ABAP program, the system converts the Dictionary data types of the object fields to the corresponding ABAP data types.

Lock Objects:

The SAP system synchronizes several users’ simultaneous access to the same data records with a lock mechanism. When interactive transactions are programmed, the system sets and releases locks by calling function modules. These function modules are automatically generated from the definition of lock objects in the ABAP Dictionary.

Search Helps:

Search helps are objects that you can use to assign input help (F4 Help) to screen fields. You can do this by creating a search help in the ABAP Dictionary and attaching it to the corresponding screen field.

What’s Coming next:

Guys, A lot of students have emailed me some very interesting questions about the first assignment I have put up.

To help them  I am creating a step by step guide to solving that assignment filled with a lot of information. This guide will help you clear all your concepts on Data-Dictionary like Difference between Application and Customizing tables, client dependent vs independent tables, Master data vs transactional data, Search helps and their applications etc.

Please join the mailing list so I can send you the guide once I am done.

Incase you haven’t started your assignment please do so. Here is the link to the assignment Link to Assignment. Also please add your questions in the comments section below or you can directly email me.

And one more thing. If you like this post…Share-it-jpeg

Thanks You and Happy learning.


  1. Miguel Enriquez

    Hi good article.

    1) i have a dude in Types Section you write:

    The following three types are available.

    wich types are available?


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